
  • Meaningful names
  • Functions/Methods

Meaningful names

  • use intention-revealing names
  • use pronouncable names
  • The length of a name should correspond to the size of its scope.
  • Class names should be noun and not verbs. (avoid words like Manager, Processor, Info, Data)
  • Methods names should be verb . Accessors (get), Mutators (set) and Predicates (is) have such prefixes.
    Choose one word for a concept and stick with it. e,g Choose one between fetch, retrieve, get
  • Describe the thing that you are visualising
  • The author is responsible for making himself clear.


  • functions should do one thing and do it well
  • they should be SMALL
  • they should be SMALLER than that
  • all your functions together can tell a story
  • the blocks following if else , while statement can be just be one line, preferably a function call, where the function name provides nice description
  • the indent level of function should never be greater than one or two
  • hence complex nested if else should be avoided
  • the function should be at particular level of abstraction
  • one function should not have multiple levels
  • functions should be placed one below another like a story such that it is easy reading code from top to bottom like a newspaper article.

Function arguments

  • the ideal number of arguments to a function should be zero ,
  • one is acceptable, when we ask question fileExists(filename) or operating openFile(filename). Flag arguments: Passing a boolean to a function is very poor practice.
  • two arguments are tolerable, createPoint(0, 0) is reasonable
    three should be avoided and four should have specific reason

Switch statement

  • its hard to make a small switch statement
  • switch statement can be tolerated if they appear only once and are used to create polymorphic objects

Command query separation

  • Function should either do something or answer something but not both.
  • It should either change the state of object or return some information about it.

Exception Handling

  • Function should do one thing and error handling is one thing.
  • if the keyword try exists in a function, it should be the very first word in the function and that there should be nothing after the catch/finally blocks.

How to write such perfect functions?

  • Make it work first no matter with good or bad code.
  • Write unit test covering success and failure cases.
  • Now,
    • refine that code,
    • split out functions,
    • eliminate duplication,
    • shrink the methods and reorder them